Elected Officials
The Montana Assembly is the lawful government of Montana State. It is the original government, but it went dormant years ago, leading to the system that is enslaving we the people today. The government was resurrected in January 2021 starting with Flathead county, has been properly populated, and is now in Session. Currently Cascade, Flathead, Gallatin, Lewis and Clark, Mineral, Missoula, Ravalli, Sanders, Wheatland, and Yellowstone counties are all populated with American State Nationals who can choose to participate and serve in the government and to run for elected office.
American State Nationals are people who have chosen to correct their political status from that of US Citizens, a foreign status, to that of State Nationals, our original birthright status. A State National has no obligation to serve the State Government or the Montana Assembly, but can do so if desired. At this time, a commitment to attend monthly conference calls to remain informed is required for those people wishing to take an active role in the governance of Montana State. The decision to join or chair a committee or to run for an elected office is open to all State Nationals.
There are no parties, no campaigns that run for months, and no thousands of dollars from corporations and private individuals for the best government money can buy. No lawyers or others with conflicts of interest are involved in the election process, only birthright Americans who have corrected their status. Nominations are made for an open position by anyone on the conference call, and the people nominated are voted on at the next conference call. A simple vetting process is done to ensure that the candidate is fit for office. It is a simple and effective system that is truly of the people and by the people as opposed to the system now in place that is of a few people and by a few people, thereby avoiding the partiality privilege, and cronyism of the current system.
This page lists the names of Montana Assembly’s elected officials along with their emails so that they can be contacted for questions. Pictures of our elected officials are optional so that privacy can be maintained if so desired. As more people in Montana correct their political status to State Nationals and the counties become populated with enough living men and women, the counties will form their own Assemblies to conduct business related to their individual county’s needs. All business is conducted through committees and by those people who have chosen to involve themselves in the governance of Montana.